Tags: investing
RSS feed for this sectionFundsIndia Recommends: Franklin India Bluechip Fund
August 31, 2016If there is one fund that is perfect for a long-term portfolio, it is Franklin India Bluechip Fund. This equity fund delivers stable returns, stays true to its mandate of…Continue Reading
Time can be your friend, IF…
August 6, 2016You start right away. We’ve spent most of our lives running around, getting things done right at the very last minute, haven’t we? We’ve been late to meetings and events,…Continue Reading
Five Personal Finance Lessons from the Harry Potter Series
July 29, 2016J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter is one of the world’s best loved book series, and with good reason. Harry Potter opened our eyes to the world of magic and taught us…Continue Reading
FundsIndia Views: Invest long, invest right – Part II
May 24, 2016Last week, we looked at how indices performed over several time-frames when their returns are tested on a rolling basis over 1,3, 5 and 7-year time frames. You can click…Continue Reading
FundsIndia Views: Invest long, invest right – Part I
May 17, 2016You would hear your mutual fund advisors recommending that you hold equity funds for the long term; typically five years or more. Ever wondered what happens, especially when you invest…Continue Reading
How to fulfil your child’s dreams
April 12, 2016Here’s a quick question for you: What do you want your child to consider while choosing a higher education stream? A. Cost of the course B. Interest in the course…Continue Reading
FundsIndia Strategy: The time to invest more and where to invest
March 29, 2016In early September last year, we suggested that the next six months could be a good time to average (to see the detailed article, please click here). We came up…Continue Reading
Why you’re not saving enough for your retirement
November 5, 2015I remember a time when I used to go out and buy a pack of bread for Rs. 2. Now the same bread costs Rs. 10-12. There was a time…Continue Reading
Earning more and more is not enough to retire well
June 11, 2015Your good friend earns more than you and not surprisingly, he also spends more than you. This makes you feel like he is richer than you, and you think that…Continue Reading
Investing lessons to learn from mom
May 9, 2015Superheroes don’t just exist in movies; they exist in our life too. Their code name? Mom. Their super hero trait? They are an endearing combination of several roles designed to…Continue Reading