Arun Kumar
Arun Kumar, Head of Research at FundsIndia, has over 8 years of experience in the Indian wealth management industry. His expertise includes building investment solutions, implementing dynamic asset allocation models, mutual fund research etc.
Why time in the market matters more than timing the market
December 19, 2019“Don’t try to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It can’t be done except by liars” – Bernard Baruch Attempts at timing the market can make investors…Continue Reading
Large Cap Funds – It ain’t over till it’s over
December 17, 2019Auto drivers and market efficiency A few years back before the days of app-based auto booking (such as Uber, Ola etc.), I used to pay anywhere between ₹200- ₹300 to…Continue Reading
Equity Markets near an all-time high. But why did Little Albert cry?
November 14, 2019Pavlov’s Dogs: In the 1980’s Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov was researching salivation in dogs in response to being fed. He predicted that the dogs would salivate in response to the…Continue Reading
Experiencing long term investing, one short term period at a time
November 1, 2019Imagine there are three bowls of water in front of you – one cold, one hot, and another at room temperature. Assume you put one hand in the bowl with…Continue Reading
FundsIndia launches: FI Stable Growth 25
October 25, 2019Investment researchers across the world, have found out that a group of stocks with certain specific characteristics reward investors more than the popular market cap based benchmarks (such as Nifty…Continue Reading
Why Equity SIP Investors Can No Longer Ignore this Significant Question
October 9, 2019Assume you were buying gold every month for ₹10,000. You plan to accumulate a few grams every month and continue building gold exposure over the next 10 years. If gold…Continue Reading
How to make the most of stock market declines
October 3, 2019At some point in time, every year, the market has fallen below its peak. The average intra-year decline has been -22 percent for the last 29 years. Till 2011, intra-year…Continue Reading
Taking Advantage of Volatility
September 11, 2019The returns from equities for the last 1-2 years haven’t been great. The mid and smallcap category has taken a larger hit compared to large caps. The reasons range from…Continue Reading