Tags: financial planning
RSS feed for this sectionTake charge of your money with this quick and simple framework
March 10, 2023This article was originally published in mint genie. Click here to read it. When it comes to financial decisions we are often hesitant to take charge. While we all know…Continue Reading
Is a higher equity allocation injurious to your short term goals?
March 3, 2023This article was originally published in Financial Express. Click here to read it. Let’s say you have some money requirement (read as financial goal) coming up within the next five years. You…Continue Reading
How to plan for your wedding
November 12, 2018Indian weddings are known for their lavishness. There’s light, there’s food, there’s song and dance. But the colour you see the most at any Indian wedding is gold. However, all…Continue Reading
Got a Pay Hike? Here’s What You Should Do
April 30, 2018It’s that time of the year again. We are all waiting for our appraisal letters and ratings to find out how much our salary is going to increase this time.…Continue Reading
FundsIndia Explains: Role of Inflation in Financial Planning
November 27, 2017If you have ever spoken to a financial advisor, they might have asked you about your financial goals. Thinking of your investments in terms of goals requires you to estimate…Continue Reading
This time, next year – will your financial plan be any different?
January 10, 2017Resolutions are passé, say some. Resolutions changed my life, believe a few. Resolutions are meant to be broken, smirk others. Whichever category you belong to, there are a few resolutions…Continue Reading
Give your salary the power of 5!
November 4, 2016It is the most awaited SMS of the month, the one that immediately brings a smile on your face. You know what I am talking about. The harbinger of good…Continue Reading