Srikanth Meenakshi
Srikanth Meenakshi is the co-founder and was the Chief Operating Officer of FundsIndia.
RupeeCamp – a financial education bootcamp
March 15, 2011Knowledge of personal finance management is an essential life skill that everyone should be equipped with. We all might not be doctors, but there is a certain amount of knowledge…Continue Reading
Budget 2011 – Quick takes
February 28, 2011Some quick takes on the Budget from investors’ perspective: Most interesting announcement was the one about foreign investors being allowed to invest in Indian equity mutual funds. However, there…Continue Reading
SBI Online – giving credit where it’s due…
February 20, 2011So, finally, we have SBI online for netbanking in FundsIndia. What this means is that SBI account holders can transact seamlessly using their netbanking logins for making investments using their…Continue Reading
Gold ETF vs. Reliance Gold Fund – a cost comparison
February 16, 2011When Reliance announced the NFO of Gold savings fund (now live in, we were happy that we could tell our investors that there is a way to invest in…Continue Reading
Gold fund from Reliance
February 2, 2011Not much details are out yet, but over the next few weeks, we are going to hear about it for sure! Reliance is launching a gold fund. This will…Continue Reading
One feature, three perspectives
January 29, 2011As you are probably aware, we recently introduced a new feature on our platform called Flexi-SIP (more details here). Quick summary – this feature enables investors to setup a range of…Continue Reading
Naming this blog
January 29, 2011Coming up with a name for your blog is a painful task. We thought long and hard about what to call this blog. I have a page full of suggested…Continue Reading
Hello world!
January 5, 2011Hello! My name is Srikanth. I am a director at I have started this blog to share my experiences in general, but more specifically in regards to interacting with…Continue Reading