
Tags: sector funds

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Six Questions to ask yourself before investing in Sectoral and Thematic Funds

Shrinath M L

In recent times, we have received a lot of queries on Sectoral and Thematic Funds. The growing interest in the category is also reflected in its net inflows. Sectoral/Thematic category…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Views: The lowdown on sector funds

Bhavana Acharya

< p style=”text-align: justify;”> Look at the top performing funds in any year. Often, the toppers are sector-specific funds. In some years, the returns these sector funds post are far…Continue Reading

Should you have sector funds in your portfolio?

Vidya Bala

For those of you not new to mutual funds, the above question would have crept in your mind at least a few times in the past couple of years. Many…Continue Reading