Investors, please note that the details of the table of asset allocation patterns under the existing scheme features should be read as follows
Particulars | Instruments | Indicative Allocations (% of total assets) |
Existing Scheme Features | Equities & Equity related securities of large-cap companies | Minimum: 80%, Maximum: 100% |
Equities & Equity related securities of other than large-cap companies | Minimum: 0%, Maximum: 20% | |
Debt & Money Market Instruments | Minimum: 0%, Maximum: 20% | |
Proposed Scheme Features | Equities & Equity related securities of large-cap companies | Minimum: 80%, Maximum: 100% |
Other Equity & Equity related instruments | Minimum: 0%, Maximum: 20% | |
Debt & Money Market Instruments and Units of Mutual Funds | Minimum: 0%, Maximum: 20% | |
Units issued by REITs & InvITs | Minimum: 0%, Maximum: 10% |
For more details, read the addendum.
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