dataLayer = [{ 'userID': '', 'fundstag': '','investorid': '','irtype': '' }];
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What you got with FundsIndia’s ‘Select Funds:

An investment of Rs. 5,000 a month through SIPs in equity funds can fetch you a sizeable sum to reach your goals. The above graphic illustrates how much you can expect to build under different return scenarios. Past returns suggest that mutual funds have helped build sizeable wealth. For instance, Rs. 5,000 a month invested in equity funds five years ago would have given you a handsome Rs. 4,70,500 now (based on the last 5-year average SIP returns of FundsIndia’s 'Select' equity funds). This would have helped you finance the initial capital for your dream house, or even buy a sedan.

All it takes is a small sum from your income and a lot of discipline through SIPs. Some of the outstanding benefits of SIP are:

At FundsIndia, we encourage our investors to save early and save regularly. To start your SIP, log in to talk to an partner now.