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Who else wished they brought stocks of industry leaders when they made their debut at the stock market? We’re sure we would have seen a lot of hands raised if this were a real-time session.
New to Stocks? Here are a few short reads that could ease your journey
Do you want Bread or Bread Crumbs?
The common mistake that many traders commit is that they want to participate in the every little squiggle in price. Is it worth the trouble? Definitely NOT.
Do you get impatient when you see markets moving around and you don’t have a position? Do you feel that the price is headed to the moon and you better buy now or you miss the opportunity of the lifetime?
With the dawn of the new year, it is customary to talk about resolutions, irrespective of whether we follow it or not. Let’s talk about the typical mistakes a trader should avoid in order to protect capital. Once capital is protected, the trader will survive long enough to see their capital grow.
This question would have arisen in the minds of all investors at some part of their investment journey. I would like to try giving a solution to this question.